The use of lavender has been recorded for more than 2,500 years. Egyptians, used lavender as a perfume -- and also for mummification, by wrapping the dead in lavender-dipped shrouds. In ancient Greece, lavender was called "nardus," "nard," or "spikenard" and was used as a cure for everything from insomnia and aching backs to insanity. By Roman times, lavender had already become a prized commodity. Lavender flowers were sold to ancient Romans for 100 denarii per pound -- equivalent to a full month's wage for a farm laborer. "Lavender" is derived from the Latin lavare, meaning, "to wash." Romans also used lavender as a perfume, insect repellent and flavoring. In Medieval and Renaissance Europe, lavender was strewn over the stone floors of castles for use as a disinfectant and deodorant. Use of lavender was highly revered during the Great Plague of London in the 17th century, when individuals fastened bunches of lavender to each wrist to protect themselves from the Black Death.
Lavender has a long list of uses, here are some of my favorites.
Burns-I was out working in the garden yesterday for several hours and came in with a sunburned neck and arms, you know, the kind that starts to itch and then when you scratch you realize how burned you are. I put lavender mixed with some coconut oil on my neck and arms and it took the pain away. If the burn is really bad a great option is to use a small spay bottle and put some water in it along with drops of lavender and then spay it on, that way you don't have to rub it. The coconut oil offers some moisturizing that along with the lavender will heal the skin quicker. My husband was working on our tiller and set his hand on a hot spot. He burned the palm of his hand pretty bad, I wish I had thought to take a picture. We grabbed the lavender and put some drops on neat (full strength from the bottle), it immediately stopped hurting. He kept the lavender on it for a couple of days and it healed so fast we were amazed.
For serious burns use a paste of comfrey root powder, wheat germ oil and raw honey. Slather the paste on and cover with green leaves or gauze, when you need to add more, don't pull the old stuff off just apply the new over the top.
Lavender is also very calming, I like to use a drop on the back of my kids necks to help them sleep, another option would be to put a drop on their pillowcase. Need to relax, a few drops in a tub full of water and you're in heaven!
Have a problem with hayfever? Just put 2 drops each of Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint in a small amount of water and drink it up. Use this throughout the day whenever you feel symptoms coming on, I have used it with great success. I also love Dr. Christopher's Immucalm formula or for kids it is called Kid-e-Soothe. It is a mixture of astragalus root and marshmallow root. Before I started using essential oils this is what I would reach for. Actually, with improved diet and the use of essential oils I don't really have a problem with hayfever any more.
Lavender is also useful for diaper rash, stretch marks, rashes, and is an analgesic and antidepressant.
Diffusing lavender into the air can promote consciousness, health, love, peace and a general sense of well being. It also nurtures creativity.
For serious burns use a paste of comfrey root powder, wheat germ oil and raw honey. Slather the paste on and cover with green leaves or gauze, when you need to add more, don't pull the old stuff off just apply the new over the top.
Lavender is also very calming, I like to use a drop on the back of my kids necks to help them sleep, another option would be to put a drop on their pillowcase. Need to relax, a few drops in a tub full of water and you're in heaven!
Have a problem with hayfever? Just put 2 drops each of Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint in a small amount of water and drink it up. Use this throughout the day whenever you feel symptoms coming on, I have used it with great success. I also love Dr. Christopher's Immucalm formula or for kids it is called Kid-e-Soothe. It is a mixture of astragalus root and marshmallow root. Before I started using essential oils this is what I would reach for. Actually, with improved diet and the use of essential oils I don't really have a problem with hayfever any more.
Lavender is also useful for diaper rash, stretch marks, rashes, and is an analgesic and antidepressant.
Diffusing lavender into the air can promote consciousness, health, love, peace and a general sense of well being. It also nurtures creativity.
Where do you get Dr. Christopher's Immucalm?