People are always telling me I smell good and my house smells good. I don't use perfume or even deodorant anymore and all the candles I used to burn? Never again. Essential oils have replaced many of the products I used to use to "smell good". The biggest reason I made this change is my liver. The liver has to process everything we eat, drink, smell or put on our skin. Even when we do our very best to put only pure things into and on our bodies, just the environment in which we live takes a toll on our livers. Burning candles is also very damaging to the thyroid.
Essential oils have been a delightful alternative.
Essential oils are the volatile liquids distilled from plants, this can be from any part of the plant, leaves, flowers, bark, roots, stems, seeds, fruit, resin etc. I like to think of essential oils as the life blood of the plant. In these oils is a powerhouse of energy. The vibration of a pure essential oil is very high, rose oil has the highest vibration. The vibration in the oil helps the body regain balance so it can heal itself, just what our bodies were intended to do!
Essential oils are the regenerating, oxygenating, and immune defense properties of plants. Essential oils are so small in molecular size that they can quickly penetrate the skin. Essential oils are lipid (or fat soluble) and are capable of penetrating cell walls, even if they have hardened because of an oxygen deficiency. In fact, essential oils can affect every cell of the body within 20 minutes and then be metabolized like other nutrients.Essential oils are anitbacterial, anticancer, anitfungal, anti-infectious, antimicrobial, antitumor, antiparsitic, antiviral, and antiseptic. Essential oils have been shown to destroy all tested bacteria and viruses while simultaneously restoring balance to the body. Essential oils may detoxify the cells and blood in the body. Because oils are fat soluble they get in the cells and kill viruses.
Because I use essential oils daily internally and externally on myself and my family I want to be sure I am using the purest possible oils I can get. I choose to use doTERRA essential oils.
doTERRA essential oils are CPTG, which stands for Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade.
There are 4 different grades of oils, the first is what is used in the perfume industry, these are almost always synthetic, you can produce any smell in a lab. The second are GRAS or Generally Recognized As Safe, the FDA says these are "probably" OK to put in our bodies (I don't know do I trust them?). The third are Pure. The essential oil industry is not very well regulated, a company can say their oils are 100% pure but really this means that only 5% of what is in the bottle has to be the oil they say it is and even that can be synthetically made! The rest can be fillers, pesticides, weeds, whatever. The last grade is CPTG, doTERRA is the only company in the world that tests every single vile that comes out of their plant to make sure that not only does it only contain the pure natural oil that is says it does but that the oil contains the correct constituents so that if will do what it is meant to do, help the body to heal. All you have to do is smell these oils to understand the difference between doTERRA and all the rest.
I just had a tall glass of water with a couple of drops of doTerra Lemon EO. Not only did it taste YUMMY but the scent as I was drinking gave me a great boost to start the day!